Mehak Bansal – Nutritionist, Gurgaon


Being a nutritionist, It is very important to be fit yourself to make your clients fit and understand the practicality of your diet plans and execution. I would like to narrate my story from FAT to FIT and that’s how I can empathize how my client feels while joining my program and I try to fulfill their expectations with affection and motivation and this story is to believe that ” Nothing is impossible “.  As the youngest child in the entire family, I was the most pampered and beloved child of all elders and I turned out to be very chubby in my childhood.

Everyone used to love me so much that they just used to feed me all that they could. Believe me, I was not forbidden to eat anything in my childhood from fried pakodas with all the chutneys, pastries, wafers, chocolates and whatnot. Because if my mother said no, somebody else always said yes to me. As everybody loved me so much, their love started making me gain too much weight. But one day, my mother made me realize that if someone gives you some food to eat, you are never able to refuse but learn to respect your body too. And from that day onwards, I understood that I had to take care of my health so I started focusing on what I was eating, and started playing different sports. I lost a lot of weight and had a toned body.

I got married a few years later. As per Indian traditions, I started going for dinners and lunch invitations at relatives and friends’ houses. This started increasing my weight once again as you can’t say no when you’re a new bride. If that wasn’t enough, I also had to take some medications for my skin issues which also added to my weight. Soon I conceived and during pregnancy, my weight increased even further. God game me the most beautiful gift in the world – my son! You will not believe my weight was more than 100 kg by the time I delivered. Because of my increased weight, every day passed with increasing problems and so one day I decided – if I want to enjoy my son’s childhood, then it is absolutely necessary to become fit.

And hence I began my battle with obesity. This 11-month journey was not easy, but discipline, faith, hard work, and patience are the solution to every problem you face. I came to 59 kgs.

Here is my journey of weight loss:

  • I just ate healthy home-cooked food, as it is less oily.
  • The right foods and the right habits helped me reach my goal.
  • I drank plenty of water to flush out the toxins from my body
  • I did eat out once in a while but was very watchful of what and how much I ate.
  • I ate every single meal at a fixed time every day to avoid binge eating.
  • I stayed away from artificial sweeteners or artificial colors such as processed foods.
  • I never gave up. Even if I wasn’t able to lose much weight in a particular month, I still continued to eat healthy.
  • I never ate too much in a short time.
  • I never compared myself with others. This is the biggest obstacle as everyone has a different body, and everyone’s metabolism is different.
  • I never let my work or my housework become an excuse for not exercising or eating healthy.

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